Sunday, October 28, 2012

Playhouse - Three Doors Done! (2012-062)

I finished installing all the doors!  Now I get to do five windows ... Wahoo.  Then I need to do a lot of door and window trim ... Joy.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Playhouse - One To Go! (2012-061)

Here's the last door .  It's kid sized, and I let Renee pick the color.  She chose this shade of green, which makes me think of green Playdoh.  It's a good color contrast with the rest of the dark wood stain I chose for the house.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Playhouse - Two Doors Down!... (2012-060)

... And one door to go!  Well at least I got most of the work done for two doors, and I'm pretty happy with the progress I made today.  I got the second adult sized door hung up (top picture) and installed the door handle in the right side door (bottom picture).  I still need to install the threshold, side trim, and sliding bolts to hold the left side door.  I feel the rainy season is fast approaching, so I plan to move on to the third door to close up the currently open door frame now.  Then I will come back and finish the smaller door details.